Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Useful lil things lately in IOS

I figured some cool stuff out on Key-Value coding for scalar values that are properties of objects:

Also found Touches ended usefule


Good shit on bitwise operators:

PCI-compliance is important for storing credit cards

NSSortDescriptors are kind of annoying but maybe cool and useful

Unlike LSL, finding something in an array if it's not there doesn't return -1 but instead 214783647

The NSRange is an interesting structure

I encountered weirdness trying to use TableViewCell's highlighted feature, ended up just giving up and painting my own way of doing it. Probably cuz I was doing it wrong but anyway who cares.

I do want to add a search bar in tableview in an upcoming version

I was trying to think of how to make my UIMenuController not be black-on-black... never got to that

Saw Mission Street Grants and thought of applying:

I asked this question on CoreData but got no answers;

Was curious about iOS7/iOS6 deltas in InterfaceBuilder, found this:

Here's how to update your app to a new version, which isn't working for me right now:

Here's how to beta test your app which also isn't working for me right now:

This was an awesome way to customize the colors of a UISegmentedControl

Saw this interesting idea of "passing around an NSManagedObjectContext" in iOS for keeping ViewControllers segmented. I should read this. It explains why not to be accessing the instance of one viewController inside another viewController, which I seem to do alot.

I also need to read up on Throwing Exceptions.

This was an awesome help tomake a segment of a UISegmentedControl deselect itself.

setBackgroundImage:forState:barMetrics: was useful for coloring my UISegmentedControl.

I thought about trying to animate the angle view display but after seeing that there was a CoreAnimation manifesto I kind of gave up, it doesn't seem to want to animate lines, just layers...

Luda gave an excellent explanation of how to add the done button, OK button, cancel button, or whatever on top of your keyboard in your iOS app.

XS-Labs gives an excellent rundown on XCode build settings

I asked this really stupid question on StackOverflow as to why integers don't get auto-cast as floats when getting assigned to floats. -11 lol

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