Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Brian turned me on to RAML: something for describing RESTful APIs in YAML evidently. I noted that it should have stood for RAML API Markup Language.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Haven't been able to get Wineskin to work with lineage15.com's Windows client, not sure why but once it launches, it says the binary is expired. If I set the date to 2010 then I it tries to launch but it just shows a jumbled screen that looks like it was rendered by a defective GPU, and throws an error about not being able to find GameGuard. Weird.

I finally got things going using Oracle's free VirtualBox with Windows XP. It actually runs great!

SSH with Sourcetree

I got SSH working with SourceTree to connect to a private github repo using an alternate keypair (i.e. another one than my id_rsa).

This involved adding the following text to ~/.ssh/config:

Host git-as-USERNAME

HostName DOMAIN.com


IdentityFile ~/.ssl/USERNAME

And of course generating the USERNAME keypair I referred to this guide, which led to these commands:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com" -f output_keyfile

SourceTree kept asking me for my password even after I set things up to where command line git was working right in the terminal. To fix this I had to format my repo URL with ssh:// in the beginning as suggested by Atlassian.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How I got Server Working, Etc.

Used the default settings of l1j-en for opcodes and it worked with lineage15.com's Windows one.

Got a pull from the SDL-based Intel Mac client attempt of Doors-Software.com's Thomas Epperson (uglyoldbob). It's a C++ based project that uses a makefile. His git repo is based on Windows and has Linux and Mac branches. I fixed a memory leak that was crashing the Mac Intel version. Maybe it wasn't crashing for him due to using ARC? Haven't found out yet, but I wasted many hours trying to get that thing into XCode and just could not get it to go. That's its whole own essay.

I finally got the Mac version built just using make. Had to swap out Opcodes.java and ClientThread.java back to what they are on his tikal_antharas_native branch of l1j-en. I can't stop thinking that it would make more sense to use the other opcodes that we know work. I also learned that his client is very early-stage without working sprites or many other things. What he's done so far is incredible but there is clearly much more work to be done. It would be very interesting of course but I'm wondering how much it would be worth to do.

More later.